Mengenal Tentang Apa itu Commercial Photography dan Commercial Videography
Mengenal Tentang Apa itu Commercial Photography dan Commercial Videography

Saat ini dunia bisnis sedang mengalami perkembangan yang begitu pesat, terutama dalam hal pemasaran, sejak adanya internet dan teknologi digital. Tidak adanya batas jarak dan waktu membuat pemilik bisnis berlomba-lomba…

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Mengenal Jenis-Jenis Brand Video untuk Mendukung Marketing Bisnis Anda
Mengenal Jenis-Jenis Brand Video untuk Mendukung Marketing Bisnis Anda

Saat ini, video telah menjadi bagian penting dari berbagai strategi marketing. Hal ini dikarenakan video adalah media yang tepat untuk mengedukasi, mempersuasi, dan melibatkan target audiens potensial dengan cara yang…

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IGB Media Collaboration with Mother Teresa Social Foundation to Increase Social Awareness

Mother Teresa Social Foundation is a social foundation under the auspices of the Catholic Diocese of Malang located in the city of Malang. This social foundation is engaged in the…

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IGB Media’s Collaboration with Padepokan Dhammadīpa Ārāma in the “50 Years Golden Jubilee Dhammadīpa Ārāma” Profile Video and Website

  Quoted from the page, many people are confused about determining the direction of life goals or even restless with an uncertain future. If you feel part of those…

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The Main Key of Branding. Understanding Customer

Community self-awareness as consumers in recognizing an existing company is very influential on branding. In this case, the branding process is a good and direct communication method. Where a good…

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What Do Digital Marketing Agency Do for Your Business?

Doing marketing certainly must be done properly in order to achieve the goal of doing marketing. Develop strategies, conduct research, determine social media, create content, and there are still many…

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Tips for Doing Digital Marketing

In this digital era, one of the things companies can do to do marketing is through digital marketing. Many companies have used this method, but there are several companies who…

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Reasons Why Company Should Use Digital Marketing Production & Agency

Source: Digital marketing is the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and any other forms of digital communication. Nowadays, people are starting to use…

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3 Keys for Marketing Management in Digital Era

Digital Darwinism is a phenomenon caused by digitalization. This happens when technological development is faster than the company’s ability to anticipate it. Many big brands cannot survive in this new…

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