Tips on Increasing Conversion with Video Explainer through Creative Advertising Surabaya

Tips on Increasing Conversion with Video Explainer through Creative Advertising Surabaya


Have you ever watched a video that made you interested in the product or service because you think the video provided complete information and it related to the problem you were currently faced with? Or, have you ever clicked the link attached to the video right after watching it? Well, you may have just watched a video explainer!


If you are still unfamiliar with the term, video explainer is a short video simply and captivatingly explaining a product, service, or ideas. This kind of video is often used by brands that wish to deliver the information in a more engaging and easy-to-understand manner, especially for Millennials and Gen-Zs. This video explainer is usually made professionally by creative advertising in Surabaya, like IGB Media.


If you have a business and you want to increase conversion (or increasing sales or engagement), here are some tips to making quality video explainer:

  • Craft Interesting Storytelling

Millennials are fond of relatable stories. If the video only explains the product feature, most likely than not they will not be interested. Therefore, it is crucial to craft the storytelling that touches on the problems they are facing. For instance, begin with the daily struggles that your audience often has, then slowly introduce the solution through your product or service.


Creative advertising Surabaya, like IGB Media, has a creative team that can make the story more alive and closer to the audience. They know how to craft the perfect story for your brand and target market.

  • Fresh and Eye-Catching Visual

First impressions are everything! When your video reaches Instagram or TikTok feeds or YouTube page, the visual display has to make people instantly captivated. Attractive cinematography, editing that is pleasing to the eye, smooth animation, and modern design will make your video stand out. Do not forget, cool visuals should also be in line with your brand’s tone and image.

As a creative advertising Surabaya that has produced videos for national and international clients, IGB Media creative team is experienced in this field. IGB Media creative team can give insights on which visual trends are hyped. We can also produce a video explainer that is not only easy to watch but also represents your brand’s identity.

  • Short and Concise Message

Audience’s attention span in the digital era is relatively short. If your video is too long and complicated, they will get bored and scroll to the next video. Therefore, make sure that the information is short and concise. Focus on the first point: the problems faced and solution you offer.


With the ideal duration of video explainer (usually 60-90 seconds), cour creative advertising team in Surabaya can attract the audience from start to finish.

  • Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Do not forget, a video explainer is not merely to deliver information. The main goal is conversion! For that reason, the video explainer has to give a clear instruction (call to action) at the end of the video. To give you some examples; “Visit our website”, “Download the app now”, or “Reach out to us for more information.” A strong CTA can be the main trigger for the audience to take actions after watching your video.

  • Appropriate Platform Optimization

Every platform has different audience characteristics. Video explainers on Instagram may need to have a shorter duration and vertical format, whereas on YouTube, the duration can be longer and in landscape format. You have to make sure the video is optimized according to the platform so the audience can enjoy it without any hassle.


Increasing conversion through video explainers may not be as easy as it looks, but with the right strategy and skilled creative advertising Surabaya team, like IGB Media, you may produce an impactful video explainer. An engaging video with a strong storytelling and call to action will lead to the audience not only watching but also taking actions.


As a branding company that has been in the industry for almost a decade, IGB Media, has a highly experienced production team, professionals for branding, advertising, and production house since 2017. Our experience in branding and video production in Surabaya has brought us to meet both national and international business clients to help them craft effective and smart branding strategies. Focusing on branding and creative advertising, IGB Media, is committed to providing the best service to maximize company potential by utilizing the right creative advertising platform.


If you are in need of a company that offers production house services in Surabaya with one-stop service, including branding strategy, graphic design, videography, photography, aerial drone cinematography, and social media management, please reach out to us, IGB Media. We will gladly help you elevate your business engagement and reach like never before.