Documentary Film “HAKIKI” Produced by STI, PDA and IGB MEDIA, Premiere at World Buddhist Sangha Council 2024 in Auckland, New Zealand

Documentary Film “HAKIKI” Produced by STI, PDA and IGB MEDIA, Premiere at World Buddhist Sangha Council 2024 in Auckland, New Zealand


On March 2 to 6 2024, Auckland, New Zealand has hosted the important event of Buddhist calendar, that is, the 11th General Conference of the World Buddhist Sangha Council. The event is not only the forum for spiritual leaders and academics to share their thoughts, but also to discuss the solutions of world problems faced globally by all mankind.

Attended by more than 500 monks and delegates from 28 countries, including Indonesia, this conference has become an important event for all stakeholders of Buddhism to resolve massive humanitarian and environmental problems that occur throughout the world, by prioritizing human moral values.

One of the highlights of the conference was video screening of documentary film presented by Sangha Theravada Indonesia and Padepokan Dhammadipa Arama, that is “Hakiki”, which is inspired by the life of monks.

This film, produced by IGB Media, was presented by STI Indonesia delegation, Bhante Jayamedho Thera, as the executive producer of “Hakiki”, at WBSC 2024 at the opening ceremony of the conference on March 4 2024. “Hakiki” provides an obvious description of commitment and dedication of the Monks who live in a very simple way to have a true happiness.

The concept of a monk’s life actually is spiritual training. Train the mind to see how bad thoughts should be eliminated. How good and beneficial thoughts must develop in mind, so that, we can understand the meaning of true happiness, not pseudo happiness.

One of the key messages in the video is the importance of maintaining the values of simple life in a daily life, especially in an increasingly advanced and globally connected world.

The simple life of monks is a self-training to control spiritual and mind for adjusting desire and reality. So that, the true happiness can arise from each individual, not by searching from outside. The aim of Hakiki is to introduce how a monk’s life can be practiced or reflected by ordinary people (without becoming a monk). Besides, Hakiki also underlines the importance of meditation to train the mind to be pure.

The screening of Documentary Film “Hakiki” by STI delegation at the 2024 WBSC conference is a strong and real commitment of Indonesian monks to participate in spreading the values of true happiness and human morals which is found in the practice of monkhood, especially to face the modern era.

IGB Media is very hopeful that Hakiki can contribute meaningfully to all people, to get the correct concept of understanding the true happiness, that is, by practicing self-control from the trap of worldly desires.

Both STI, PDA and IGB emphasized that this film was not made to spread religion, but for a nobler purpose, that is humanity. Hopefully, Hakiki can provide many benefits for all of us. May all beings be happy, peaceful and harmonious.